Under Archlinux Distro and using i3 window manager when using the programm "unclutter" to autohide mouse pointer after 5 seconds, I can no longer switch between the tiling windows from i3 once the mouse pointer is gone. This problem only occurs when using xfce4-terminal, not with any other programm I use, including other terminal emulators.
Hi, could you please elaborate more? 1. You've filed the bug against version, does this mean that version was working fine for you? If not, what it the last working version? 2. What do you mean by "can no longer switch between the tiling windows"? What is the difference between xfce4-terminal and other programs in terms of behavior? I'm not an i3 user and may be missing something, this is why I'm asking you to explain it. 3. Are you using xfce4-terminal in normal or drop-down mode? Thanks.
No response - closing.