FYI: VTE 0.52 (to be released in March 2018) adds 3 new functionalities and their corresponding APIs (already present in git). It's up to you whether you want to hook up and make config options for them. Hopefully Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 LTS is going to ship VTE 0.52. If you care about this distro and would like your app to offer these features in this long term support release, you should probably release a new version of your app in time which (conditionally to this VTE version) enables these features. - vte_terminal_{get,set}_cell_{height,width}_scale: Increased line spacing and character spacing mostly for accessibility for people with imperfect sight. - vte_terminal_{get,set}_bold_is_bright: Whether escape sequences such as \e[1;35m switch to bright colors in addition to bold (legacy behavior) or switch to bold and leave the color intact (new behavior, required for solarized, base16 and similar modern color schemes). (And while at it, we've removed "Allow bold text" from gnome-terminal's UI, and will probably start deprecating its API in about a year. I see no sane reason for this option to exist.) - vte_terminal_{get,set}_text_blink_mode: VTE now implements blinking text (\e[5m) and enables it by default, this option lets you disable it or make it conditional to the terminal being (un)focused. Please refer to VTE's source tree for details, e.g. compile with --enable-gtk-doc and check the generated docs under doc/reference/html/index.html.
Thanks a lot Egmont, I will see how to make use of the new APIs.
Igor referenced this bugreport in commit 324e1a45d360f74557169fec4a2285d64a6e7072 Add option to control text blinking
Egmont, I've implemented support for vte_terminal_set_bold_is_bright, but the terminal is now ignoring the "bold color" setting (vte_terminal_set_color_bold). g-t seems to be behaving the same way for me. Is this change intended? Thanks!
Igor referenced this bugreport in commit 4d22587223baf6c4dcd69c99174fa86063a106e4 Add "Bold is bright" option
> but the terminal is now ignoring the "bold color" setting Thanks, Igor, I've filed for it, let's discuss it over there if you don't mind :)
Igor referenced this bugreport in commit 1200fd705f5494037bbdbeb7609ccfb9a86653fb Add cell spacing options
New features added. Thanks a lot, Egmont!
FYI: vte-0.56 / gnome-terminal 3.32 (March 2019) will flip the default of "bold is bright" to false. It's of course entirely up to you whether you follow us or not.
Egmont, thanks for the heads up! But I think I'll leave it on by default since this is the behavior our users are used to.