I'm using the U+0332 COMBINING LOW LINE character on the terminal: https://codepoints.net/U+0332?lang=en Per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_character, "In Unicode, diacritics are always added after the main character..." This can also be confirmed by looking at <!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <span style="font-family:Courier;">.̲.̲.</span> in your favorite unicode-compliant browser. However, echoing to xfce-terminal using this character incorrectly puts an underline on the character after instead of the character before: $ echo ".\xCC\xB2.\xCC\xB2."
Please see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=854149.
Egmont, thanks for the link! Ashish, thanks for the report. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do in the terminal app as font rendering is done within vte, as Egmont pointed out. I'm closing this bug as WONTFIX.
Ashish, as per the linked bug, my recommendation as a workaround is to pick another font where this issue doesn't occur, such as e.g. FreeMono Regular, Noto Mono Regular, Tlwg Mono Regular, Ubuntu Mono Regular.
The Hack font that I'm using also seems to handle this case correctly.
Thanks for the quick response! My distribution didn't actually didn't have any of those, but it did have Google Roboto Mono Regular which works correctly with this.