Now that the keyboard shortcuts are separated from the window manager, how about merging the keyboard and the shortcuts plugin? This is way more logical, since people (including myself) tend to click on the keyboard button first to change their "keyboard shortcuts", just to realize that it's not in the keyboard dialog, but has its own dialog. What do you think?
I'm in favor of this; it makes sense. I don't really have time to do it, though.
I have to say that this splitting of keyboard shortcuts between two help dialogs is *extremely* confusing from a users perspective. I actually just gave up and hopped in the IRC channel to ask how to map keyboard shortcuts to window manager functions only then to find out that there are still some keyboard shortcuts that were left under window manager settings and some that weren't. It certainly doesn't feel consistent.
You're being confused here. That request was about merging the new shortcut/launcher editor and the keyboard properties dialog. I was personnally against it, but it was done anyway since Brian and Benny were in favor of it. What you are talking about is merging the window manager shortcuts and the shortcut/launcher editor, which is just not going to happen because my goal is precisely not to bloat xfwm4 with general shortcuts (well, that's why it was splitted). Therefore I'm closing that bug, as the new shortcut/launcher editor and the keyboard properties dialog are now merged.