I open a xfce4-terminal under fluxbox 1.3.7, it appears on the left-top, without titlebars, I find no way to move or resize it. When there are multiple windows, it won't get focus. It's above all other windows. Dialog from xfce4-terminal works well. Evince (which is also client-side-decorating) works (it handles those functions itself).
This is strange. I've installed fluxbox on my VM Debian system, and it's working fine in terms of window management - I can see no issues with the terminal. What is your OS? Can it be that your installation misses some packages that could be helpful?
I'm on Arch Linux, with gtk3 3.22.4-1 and vte3 0.46.1-1.
Do you have gtk3 themes installed (e.g. Adwaita)? Can you try other WMs or DEs on your machine?
Yes I have Adwaita installed. xfce4-terminal works fine with awesome and xfwm4. And it works fine after I kill and then start fluxbox on the same X server. More info: I'm using a VNC session (tigervnc), and have `xstartup` exec fluxbox / xfwm4 directly.
I doubt the issue has anything with the terminal per se... I believe you should seek help in fluxbox support forums/IRC.
Actually, I think the issue has already been reported in the fluxbox bug tracker: https://sourceforge.net/p/fluxbox/bugs/1140/ Does it look similar to yours?
Thanks! I build a git version of fluxbox and the issues are gone. I didn't notice this #1140 when I googled, only older and fixed ones with different syndromes I don't have.
Great! Closing this one.