if you set "when laptop lid is closed" to suspend and "lock screen when system is going for sleep" to enabled then suspend does not trigger on laptop lid close the same bug happens if you set "lock on suspend" to on in the "Light Locker settings" application but it works(suspends and locks) if you run light-locker with --lock-on-suspend and "lock screen when system is going for sleep" set to disabled i have investigated the bug in the code i found a line at settings/xfpm-setting:859:func:xfpm_update_logind_handle_lid_switch(its called from every func that changes laptop lid settings) xfconf_channel_set_bool (channel, PROPERTIES_PREFIX LOGIND_HANDLE_LID_SWITCH, lock_on_suspend && (lid_switch_on_ac == 1 || lid_switch_on_battery == 1)); but that looks wrong compared to the intended behavior if you look at src/xfpm-manager.c:425:func:xfpm_manager_lid_changed_cb if (logind_handle_lid_switch) return; the only reason i can see for logind_handle_lid_switch to be set to true is if the user is on a desktop or a laptop without a laptop lid sensor
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 15300 ***