Apropos transparent background http://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-terminal/commit/?id=e7240a8 $ grep ^V /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/gtk+-3.0.pc Version: 3.20.6 $ xfce4-terminal --version | head -1 xfce4-terminal 0.7.0git-20160701gite7240a8 (Xfce 4.12) Screencast and test rpm build: http://goo.gl/Gm4ffO xfterm/
Before, transparency did not involve just a background, but also Font, Menubar and Toolbar. The issue is solved with: Apply opacity setting by chaging background color alpha value http://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-terminal/commit/?id=eaf24ad $ xfce4-terminal --version | head -1 xfce4-terminal 0.7.0git-20160714giteaf24ad (Xfce 4.12) for both - GTK+ 3.16.7 and 3.20.6
Thanks for the confirmation!