Hello there, I have been using qps for a while, and it features a keybinding I came to love : A press on [Suppr] triggers the confirmation dialog to send TERM signal to selected process. I would be glad that xfce-taskmanager feature it too. Thanks for this awesome software Arnaudv6
The task-manager now has Delete and Shift+Delete keyboard shortcuts for Killing and Terminating a task. Not sure what Suppr is - is that french for delete ("Supprime")? Anyway, I'd consider this fixed. https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-taskmanager/commit/?id=58daa93aaa53e11dafced1e310c68a2ba38a774c
I did not test your solution but the description makes it clear : bug is resolved. Yes, bravo : suppr. (supprimer) is french for delete : I did not realize I was writing it in french, sorry. Well done.