Using xfce4-terminal version 0.6.3 I'm not able to change the color for bold text. It keeps always a kind of blue, no matter from which preset I start my custom color settings. Every other color setting like cursor color, font color or text selection color are working fine - but bold text color does not. I tested this running the xfce-4-terminal on i3 and xfce4 itsself on top of a Debian Jessie conrtib non free. Here's a screenshot of the issue. As you can see, the bold text should have a really ugly green, but even after rebooting my machine the setting does not work: Please feel free to contact me for further questions! best, wonko
Works fine here. Tested with: $ tput bold; echo "Test"; tput sgr0
Ok, I tried this and you're right... but I'm afraid I made a mistake in the system behavior I expected: I thougth that the folders / directories are bold text, too?! Any idea how to set this color setting?
The text in your output of "ls" is bold, but a specific color is per-assigned. For more information on how to configure these colors, please read the dir_colors manual page.