I recently refreshed my XFCE svn install with the latest code, including the new panel stuff and mplayer fullscreen doesnt work correctly now. If i tell it to go fullscreen i only get a small rectangle in my upper left corner. The content is scaled correctly so i only see a very small portion of the video. If I unfullscreen it i then see just the small window with the title bar and if i fullscreen it back i still only have the small window. If I maximize it will unfullscreened then it mostly works except there is a small strip at the bottom that mplayer doesnt cover that is about the size of my taskbar. If i tell the taskbar to autohide and try to fullscreen it after maximizing the window, it works fine. But it still starts small if i have the taskbar hidden and i try to start it fullscreen.
Could be an mplayer bug too...
same here, and i updated mplayer on the 27th of August and it worked fine until i updated xfwm4/xfdesktop this morning
Fixed in SVN with revison 17927. Snapshot available here: http://www.xfce.org/~olivier/preview/