Hi, don't use embed icons it kills desktop consistency, breaks user/distro set icon themes ##Display settings for example install xfce-display-extend.png to SYSPREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/actions/xfce-display-extend.png and load them with gtk_icon_theme_load_icon to allow distributions to change this icon i would also suggest to follow the freedesktop naming specification eg xfce-display-extend.png --> SYSPREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/actions/display-extend.png ##xfwm-workspace same issue here with the display/monitor icon it should be named something like preferences-desktop-margins and putted into SYSPREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/SIZE/apps
First of all, please don't collate multiple bugreports against different components into one. While I generally agree, we're using icons in the minimal dialog that are consistent with the graphics displayed in the display dialog, so there's a reason this is hardcoded for now. (FWIW in the display dialog, everything is drawn with cairo, I considered doing the same thing for the minimal dialog to drop the icons, but it seemed like too much work for little gain.) So this part is a WONTFIX from me. As you pointed out, the workspaces dialog is not part of settings, but part of Xfwm4. So please report that as a separate bug against xfwm4's workspace settings so that the maintainer can deal with it. (Frankly, I don't consider that part very high priority as well.)