On a recent install of Debian testing Xfce. Found that I couldn't disable saved sessions and followed a posts advice to delete ~/.cache/sessions. This worked. But a couple days later I started encountering lock ups when Xfce loaded two instances of Kwin because I must have inadvertently checked the 'Save Session' checkbox on logout (too easily done with a mouse slip). Remedying the situation seemed to be only possible by clearing all my preferred startup applications, saving the session and logging out, and now i'm relying particially on my saved sessions and my autostart apps. This seems less than ideal as again easily breakable in the future. I would prefer a way where I could completely disable session cache and instead rely on my autostart applications as they are listed very clearly and per my explicit specifications. If this is not the correct place for a feature request I apologize. Thanks, Happy Xfce User, James
The session dialog now clearly shows if you have a saved session and which one is currently running, which should make situations like the one you're mentioning easier to resolve. There's also two buttons for clearing all saved sessions which should reset things to "normal" again for you and make the session behave as before. Please test 4.14pre1 and re-open the bugreport if it still applies from your pov. Thanks!