It looks like there is a 'File>New from template' feature, but it is hidden if there are no templates. If it was not hidden, then the user might go and get some templates, but since it is hidden, how are they supposed to know that the feature exists? I only know because I was reading the source trying to change something else...
Created attachment 5761 Patch Currently the menu item is not disabled, but hidden. The attached patch just disables the menu item. What do think? Isn't that good enough?
Yes, that's good.
Related: Bug 11048
Oh, it looks like this was fixed in git in July.
I think you're reffering to this commit: The commit adds a subitem telling the user that the Templates folder is empty. The problem is half solved. The unsolved part(which the patch fixes) is that the "New from template:" item is completely hidden if there's no "~/Templates" folder.
Oh, right, good spotting.
In that case the fix for this case should be at least as good as the fix for no templates i.e. it should say that ~/Templates should not exist.
Yeah, I thought about something like this:
Created attachment 9232 patch Here is a patch.
Theo Linkspfeifer referenced this bugreport in commit 1aaedc75a9331bbda59d2ba4d941a52c7dd6b763 Show info when Templates directory does not exist (Bug #10486)