Created attachment 5153 A patch When flooded with notifications(*1) xfce4-notifyd crashes on line: xfce4-notify-window.c:654 xfce_notify_window_fade_timeout(gpointer data) { XfceNotifyWindow *window = data; --> gdouble op = gtk_window_get_opacity(GTK_WINDOW(window)); Attached patch adds some type check at the input of this and similar functions. With the patch I was not able to reproduce this issue anymore. (*1) Added two indicator-plugins to the panel, each displaying a sound indicator. Then scrolled the mouse wheel on top of one of them. This creates an infinite event loop as both indicators are fighting each other, flooding xfce4-notifyd with events. After a minute xfce4-notifyd crashes.
Here is a small testcase which makes notifyd crash. To use it, run it and then move the mouse over and out of the notification bubble which appears. Eventually it will crash (within about 10 seconds). #!/usr/bin/env python import pynotify import time def sendmessage(title, message): pynotify.init("Test") notice = pynotify.Notification(title, message) return pynotify.init(app_name="me") n = pynotify.Notification("Title", "Body", "dialog-warning") while(True): time.sleep(0.1) n.update("One", "Two", "dialog-warning")
Thanks for your contribution, I pushed this to the git master branch.