Hi! I run xfce 4.10 with some components from a more recent git version and I consistently run into the problem that xfce forgets basic keyboards settings - keyboard repeat delay and keyboard repeat rate - after suspend/resume and after unplugging and plugging back in a usb keyboard. Steps to reproduce: 1] Go to settings->keyboard and set keyboard repeat delay to something faster than the default. 2] Unplug the usb keyboard and plug it back in OR ALTERNATIVELY do suspend and resume. 3] The keyboard repeat rate is back to its painful slow default self again. Fixing this would be a small step for the (xfce) mouse but a great leap for the keyboard-using mankind!
I regularly bring a HHK to and from work, and both my home and work computer use XFCE4. I would be very grateful to see this feature added!
If it helps (for now), I wrote a small Python script that looks for new keyboards and sets the rate based off your current XFCE4 settings. Save this somewhere on your system, mark it as executable, install Python libs if necessary, and pop it in as a start-up entry in XFCE4's "Session and Startup" settings. http://pastie.org/8607977 Of course, this is a workaround by all means, but hopefully it'll tame some of the irritables out of you guys :)
see also Bug 10165 & https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce4-dev/2014-June/030746.html
This bug still exists with XFCE 4.12.5 and is for me also very annoying. I would be happy if this will be fixed soon :)
Fixed in Xfce 4.13.2.
Closing old bugs