Minor issue (and usually you should know, what you are typing ;), if thunar is located adjacent to the lower screen border (e.g. maximized), the quick search field (which pops up when you start typing) is displayed only partially. That means that you can't distinguish between 'j' and 'i'.
positions good here. but at ant rate, this is a feature provided by gtk; so i mark this bug as invalid.
*** Bug 9966 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Created attachment 5051 Partially displayed quick search field containing ijijijiji. Thought it might be a gtk issue. So just to properly document the problem, I attach a view screenshots for demonstration.
Created attachment 5052 Quick search field without status bar Just for documentation: Without status bar the quick search field can be hidden completely, when the window frame is near or at the lower screen border (e.g. maximized window).