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workspace switching keys not fully trapped; incorrectly sent to application
Workspace Switcher


Description unixgamerocker+xfce 2019-06-30 22:59:43 CEST
In XFCE, the workspace switching keys are ctrl-F<whatever>. In the music composition application milkytracker, ctrl-F<whatever> are linked to editing operations.

I like my desktop/workspace switching keys as the ctrl-Fkeys, as they are. I don't care about my editing keys in milkytracker. The problem is that the ctrl-F<n> keypresses are sent to milkytracker when I switch to the desktop that milkytracker is on.

For example, given that milkytracker is on workspace 3 and I am on workspace 2, when I switch to workspace 3, the switch occurs and then milkytracker also receives the keypress instead of it being trapped (which is what happens if I am already on workspace 3 and I press ctrl-F3). this causes me to lose work.

the behavior I expect is for the keypress to always be trapped.

related github issue on milkytracker's repository is here: https://github.com/milkytracker/MilkyTracker/issues/180
Comment 1 Git Bot editbugs 2020-05-28 02:13:04 CEST
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Bug #15659

Reported by:
Reported on: 2019-06-30
Last modified on: 2020-05-28


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