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default install of thunar-volman does not have /misc-volume-management as kno...


Description pnewell0705 2013-12-12 00:17:28 CET

Installed a x32 system from scratch with F19 and xfce. Opened "Settings > Removable Drives and Media" and checked the following options: 1) Mount removable drives when hot-plugged, 2) Mount removable media when inserted, and 3) Browse removable media when inserted. Made sure "System > Thunar File Manager > Edit > Preferences > Advanced" had "Enable Volume Management" checked (it did, but don't know if that is the default or if the edits in "Removable Drives/Media" turned it on)

Rebooted and discovered that no removable drives/media were being auto-mounted, whether they were hot-plugged or already inserted when machine powered on.

Did a "yum update" to make sure I had the latest and greatest, rebooted, still no auto-mounting

Asked on Fedora list for help and "poma" got back to me saying I needed to do "xfconf-query -c thunar -p /misc-volume-management" and make sure it was "true". He then got back to me with notice that there was a bug in the default set-up which I think I have confirmed.

Did "xfconf-query -c thunar -l" and got

So, I disabled "Volume Management" and redid the above command and got:
xfconf-query -c thunar -l

Went back, checked "Enable Volume Management" and "xfconf-query -c thunar -p /misc-volume-management" returns true.

Rebooted and all settings were there. The bug appears to be that something is not adding /misc-volume-management at either install time (if "Enable Volume Management" is default install to enable) or when the "Settings -> Removable Drives/Media" has its settings changed for disable to enable)

However, none of the drives/media auto-mounts. So it still appears not to be working. I scanned the bugzilla and found 9193 which looks like the same sort of problem. I might be mistaken, but it seems there is no notice of a release of a fix, though someone does say they compiled a patch that works.

My version of thunar matches the bugzilla 9193 submission, except I am on i686 rather than x86_84.

From "yum info": version=0.8.0; release=4.fc19

Thanks for any help,
Comment 1 Skunnyk editbugs 2020-05-25 22:33:11 CEST
Closing old bugs

Bug #10539

Reported by:
Reported on: 2013-12-12
Last modified on: 2020-05-25


Jannis Pohlmann
CC List:
2 users



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